Body Gem Resting Metabolism Testing
Do you know how many calories you should eat and burn during exercise each day? Metabolic testing measures your resting metabolic rate, the number of calories your body burns each day at rest. This reading, along with calculations related to your activity levels, help determine your daily caloric needs. This is vital for anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain an ideal body fat goal. A licensed nutrition expert or exercise physiologist administers the test, deciphers the results and helps you create a realistic plan to achieve your goals.
Abbott Northwestern Hospital: LiveWell Fitness Center in Minneapolis, and Penny George Institute for Health and Healing in Plymouth; Registration: 612-863-5178
Unity Hospital: Penny George Institute - Fridley; Registration: 763-236-5629
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For information and to register
Contact information
Penny George Institute
Phone: 612-863-5178
Phone: 612-863-5178