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Spine Care / Back Pain Services

Help for low back and neck pain

Most adults experience low back pain at least once in their lives. In fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor. Usually it goes away in two to four weeks. But if you’re experiencing back or neck pain that doesn’t go away, and it’s affecting how you live your life, then it may be time to see a spine specialist.

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What it is

It’s important to discover the cause of your pain and not just treat the symptoms. Treatment will depend on the cause of your back pain and where it’s located along the spine. Courage Kenny Spine Centers are staffed by health care professionals with specialized, advanced training in assessing the cause of your low back or neck pain, and can make evidence-based suggestions on how best to treat it.

What to expect

Our spine experts conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your condition, then work closely with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Whenever possible, the goal is a conservative (non-surgical) program of therapy to manage your spine health. If a surgery consult or referral to one of our Allina Health partners is needed, our staff will help you.

The following team of experts at Courage Kenny Spine Center may work with you and your primary care provider.

  • A physiatrist is a doctor with specialized training and board-certification in physical medicine and rehabilitation who will direct your spine care.
  • A spine rehabilitation physician is a primary care doctor with advanced training in caring for people with low back and neck pain.
  • A physical therapist works with exercise and manual methods to improve your ability to move and function.

Good to know

We believe the best treatment approach to back and neck pain is one that is balanced and holistic—one that looks at the cause and effect of your condition as it relates to your whole self, not just your spine. You may be offered the option of complementary therapy at your visits. Often drawn from other medical traditions, complementary therapies emphasize caring for the whole person and focus on healing pain as much as curing pain.  

Good for treating

Back pain may be caused by any number of reasons, such as injury to a muscle or ligament. Some of the back conditions we treat include:

  • acute (severe, short-term) low back or neck pain
  • chronic (long-lasting, persistent) low back or neck pain
  • recurring flare-ups of low back or neck pain
  • neck or low back pain associated with numbness or tingling involving your arms or legs
  • pain that has not been helped with standard pain treatments
  • sciatica
  • stenosis
  • spondylolisthesis
  • spondylolysis
  • disc degeneration
  • herniated discs
  • nerve root injuries
  • arthritis

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First published: 10/1/2018