Fei Zhang, MD
My specialties:
- Psychiatry
Professional interests:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Eating Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
I am a board-certified psychiatrist with professional interests in depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, ADHD, eating disorders and bipolar disorder. I also speak Mandarin.
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
I am passionate about: taking care of people, whether it's my own kids, my husband, my parents, or my patients. I remember as a child how good it felt to be taken care of by my parents, either when I was sick, or day-to-day. I want to be able to do that for others, especially those that tend to do so much for others and forget to take care of themselves.
I'm also passionate about doing things that make sense. When you do things that make sense, you're usually more efficient, which means you waste less time.
If I wasn't a provider, I would be a: manicurist. I love doing nails, which is kind of funny because I'm Asian and it's stereotypical, but it's so much fun!
I became a provider because: it was the best combination of my love for science and my nurturing side. I get to understand how the body and the mind work, and help others at the same time.
One of the challenges of this career that I enjoy is: educating patients about the complexity of the mind-body connection, and how everything they are going through socially, mentally, and medically, can contribute to their thoughts and their mood, and subsequently impact their behaviors.
I'm most proud of: where I am in my life right now. Having two healthy kids, being happily married, and happy with my career choice; having successfully completed my active duty military service, and about to embark on a new chapter in my life.
Practice philosophy: Be truthful, respectful and understanding, and I will do everything in my power to take care of your needs.
Related links
- MD
Board-certified specialties
- Psychiatry
Years of experience
- 15
Additional languages spoken
- Mandarin
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Major health plans we participate in
- Allina Health | Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
- HealthPartners
- Medica
- PreferredOne
- SelectCare/LaborCare
- UCare
- UnitedHealthcare
Other health plans we participate in
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Aetna
- America's PPO
- First Health/Coventry
- Humana
- Hennepin Health (formerly Metropolitan Health Plan)
- PrimeWest
- South Country Health Alliance
- United Behavioral Health
- Wisconsin Physician Services (WPS)