Allan Stillerman, MD
My specialties:
- Allergy and immunology
Allergy & Asthma Specialists, P.A. was started over 40 years ago, and is a large active practice with offices in downtown Minneapolis, Plymouth, and Maple Grove. We also have a clinical research unit. Our six physicians are Board Certified Allergists, and specialize in the testing, diagnosing and treatment of allergic diseases and conditions. We can help you with pediatric, adolescent and adult allergy and asthma problems or questions.
Dr. Stillerman has conducted medically supervised Oral Food Challenges since 1987 to confirm the diagnosis of food allergies and to determine whether the allergic patient has developed a tolerance.
- MD
Board-certified specialties
- Allergy and immunology
Educational institutions
- University of Witwatersrand Medical School
- Johannesberg General Hospital
- Michael Reese Hospital
- University of Iowa
Years of experience
- 41
Hospital affiliations
- Abbott Northwestern Hospital
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