Bridget Kimker, MMS, PA-C
My specialties:
- Colon and rectal surgery
Professional interests:
- Anorectal disease
- Hemorrhoids
- Fissures
- Abscess
- colonoscopy
Bridget Kimker is a physician assistant specializing in in-office minor procedures for anorectal disease including anal fissures, internal and external hemorrhoids and perirectal abscess.
- PA-C
- Colon and rectal surgery
Educational institutions
- University of St. Thomas, College of Arts & Science
- PA School - Midwestern University, College of Health Sciences
- American Academy of Physician Assistants
Current licenses and certifications
- Master of Medical Science
- National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
- Physician Assistant Certified
Years of experience
- 15
Hospital affiliations
- Mercy Hospital
- Mercy Hospital – Unity Campus
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