International Travel Vaccinations
Getting ready to travel abroad is an exciting time. It also requires different planning for a safe and healthy trip than your typical family beach vacation. You'll want to plan ahead to be sure your body has the appropriate immunizations for your international destination, so your adventures won't be ruined by illness.
Notice: Due to a national shortage of yellow fever vaccination, Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic is the only Allina Health clinic that will administer the yellow fever vaccine. Call Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic at 763-780-9155 to schedule an appointment. Locations outside of Allina Health also offer the vaccine.
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What it is
Travel vaccinations are a safe and effective way to keep you from:
- getting contagious illnesses
- spreading contagious illnesses to others
When you receive a vaccine (usually by shot) it helps your body build antibodies that destroy bacterias or viruses and protects you against the disease.
Your provider will recommend vaccinations based on your geographic itinerary, risk of exposure, your current health and previous immunizations received from childhood to now. Travel immunization needs may include:
- routine adult vaccines
- routine childhood vaccines
- flu vaccine
- hepatitis A or B vaccine
- Japanese encephalitis vaccine
- meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine
- rabies vaccine
- typhoid fever vaccine
- yellow fever vaccine
- anti-malaria medication
The yellow fever vaccine is recommended for people who are traveling to areas at risk for yellow fever.
Notice: Due to a national shortage of yellow fever vaccination, Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic is the only Allina Health clinic that will administer the yellow fever vaccine. Call Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic at 763-780-9155 to schedule an appointment. Locations outside of Allina Health also offer the vaccine.
All other vaccinations can be given at most Allina Health clinics.
What to expect
You should plan to have any necessary travel vaccinations four to six weeks prior to your departure to ensure your body has time to build up antibodies. Some vaccines may require a second booster dose.
Good to know
Vaccines are safe and work with your immune system by imitating an infection. The vaccine will not cause you to get the disease.
Some countries require proof of vaccination against certain diseases, and can refuse entry to travelers who cannot present such proof. After receiving the yellow fever vaccine, your clinic will give you a stamped and signed "International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis" (yellow card). This certificate becomes valid 10 days after vaccination and is good for 10 years.
Related links
Yellow fever vaccination clinics (cdc.gov)
Yellow fever shortage update (cdc.gov)
Countries requiring yellow fever vaccine (cdc.gov)
Yellow fever vaccine information statement (cdc.gov)
Allina Health’s immunization schedule
Source: Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention
Reviewed by: Keith Olson, DO, regional medical director
First published: 12/6/2016
Last reviewed: 6/11/2013