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Vocational Services

Regardless of physical or cognitive disability, or sensory impairment, you have the right to equal employment opportunities. Our vocational services are rooted in that philosophy. We’ll help you prepare for, find and succeed in a career.

We offer skills assessment, job placement, vocational counseling and job retetention services.

Learn more

What it is

The goal of vocational services is to help you find a job that is suitable to your interests, strengths and abilities.

Prepare for employment

The first step in choosing a good job or career is to understand what you like, what you are good at and what your goals are for employment. We’ll work with you to evaluate your interests, aptitudes, work behaviors and quality of work to make recommendations on future employment.

We’ll also work with you to evaluate your performance on a range of tasks in an office environment. Then, together we’ll work on your goals and readiness for employment, which may include:

  • building work skills
  • increasing efficiencies
  • developing a work routine
  • increasing endurance
  • identifying reasonable accommodations
  • receiving feedback on work performance
  • developing references.

Find a satisfying job or career

To ensure you find a job or career that is right for you, you may need assistance to improve your job search skills. You may benefit from learning how to:

  • look for a job
  • update your resume and cover letter
  • complete a job application
  • be effective during an interview
  • negotiate wages, hours, supports and job accommodations.

Succeed at your responsibilities

Once you’re on the job, we’ll work with you to make sure things are going well with your duties and employer. We can help you:

  • learn the duties of the job
  • resolve conflicts
  • improve work product and efficiency
  • seek career advancement.

We can also help your employer with on-the-job support, including:

  • ergonomic assessments
  • assistive technology assessments
  • disability awareness training for employees.

Career navigation

If you are unsure of what skills you have, career navigation will help you identify:

  • transferable skills
  • identify challenges
  • gain self understanding
  • identify labor market trends and job goals.

Post-secondary navigation

This training can assist students with disabilities to better experience an inclusive college experience. Core learning modules will include:

  • time management
  • organization
  • self-advocacy
  • mindfulness and safety
  • assistive technology
  • networking
  • career exploration.

What to expect

You can expect to work with a team dedicated to helping you achieve your vocational potential. Because, we are all guided by our vision that one day all people will live, work, learn and play in a community based on abilities, not disabilities.

Good to know

In order to participate in vocational services offered by Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, you must:

  • be referred by the Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Veterans Administration, or your school district, employer or self[
  • be at least 16 years old
  • provide documentation of disability.
  • be medically stable at start of service.


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Source: Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Reviewed by: Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute staff

First published: 10/1/2018
Last reviewed: 8/1/2018